well I spent a bit of time today catching up on some entries since I was sidelined b/c of the house leak then my accident yesterday. My head is still killing me from the fall yesterday. For those of you who don't know what happened here is the story: 1. b/c of all of the snow and ice build up on the roof, we developed an ice damn that has caused this awful leak in the kitchen which now has caused the contractors to open up a huge hole in the kitchen ceiling and one of the kitchen walls is now opened down to the beams, it will be beautiful while hosting the Christmas Eve party; then 2. while walking into work yesterday morning with my friend my foot hit a patch of black ice and my feet went right out from underneath me. I went down backwards hitting head first on the sidewalk. Even I heard the thud. My friend said she saw my head bounce off the sidewalk. I ended up at the ER and had a concussion. today I felt like i had been in a car accident. Scrapping certainly made me feel better this afternoon
December 19- Dear Santathis is my thank you letter to santa for allowing me to have nothing but wonderful Christmas memories even in a childhood that was less than perfect I have just happy happy Christmas memories
December 18- The Menuthis page is a TOTAL scraplift of a page I saw someone make earlier in the JYC. for the life of me I can not remember whose page it was. if anyone recognizes it please e-mail I would love to give proper credit for this amazing design I just LOVED
December 15 part 2had to redo December 15 due to a change of plans for Christmas Eve. I am leaving the original there though so I can follow how the season changes daily